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Anchor for our Souls

Under HIs Wings - Gwen Hanna

We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. Hebrews 6:19

My journey through seminary has been a path that has helped me settle my soul regarding hope. God has lead me to grasp, firmly and securely, that what had been an emotional pursuit found a landing in an intellectual truth. The resurrection of Jesus is the solid reality, “a new birth into a living hope” (1 Peter 1:3). It isn’t fleeting or something easily lost, it is a certainty based on the certainty of Christ in his resurrection and serving as our high priest forever!

For the last six weeks I have been deeply involved in the lives of others through my chaplaincy internship experience. In the course of these six weeks, the swath of shock, grief, and dismay have invaded the lives of people close to me through three suicide deaths of those close to them. There are so many questions. Theology must be firm and true to hold faith and hope in times like these!

As I wait for the repair of my last bracelet (see February 2017 blog post), I found myself once again browsing for symbols and reminders. As I browsed, I landed on a package of 50 “hope” charms. At first, I thought, “I’d never run out of hope if I bought that!” Then the Holy Spirit touched my heart. “Perhaps now it is time for you to stop trying madly to hold on to hope and instead give it away?” So I bought that package.

It arrived precisely the morning that a very difficult event occurred at the ranch that was painful and traumatic for everyone there as a beloved old dog was run over and killed. These little charms weren’t much, but I had one in my pocket for everyone there who had been tossed into the swirl of emotion and pain. God had prepared me to be there in that moment, equipped to share hope in the crisis and struggle. I pray the little reminder that has meant so much to me will be a tender invitation to each one to hold on to hope!

I keep these little reminders in my pocket as I look for those in my path who may need a little reminder. Gratefully, I just ordered another pack of 50 because they are going so fast! God is so merciful and gracious to allow me this holy role in his kingdom.

Today another bit of my purchase arrived in the mail - another bracelet! I know this one won’t last forever either, but I’m glad for this reminder that the resurrection of Jesus and the hope set before us is a firm anchor for our souls!

Lord Jesus,

Thank you.

You are the fulfilled promise,

The life, truth, and way.

Your faithful obedience to death

And the power of your resurrection

Give us HOPE as an anchor for our souls!

Spread your hope through me



And to whomever you will!

I love you, Lord!

October 18, 2017

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